ldv t60 ute issues

LDV T60 Problems [The Common Issues Explained]

The LDV(Leyland DAF Vans) is a budget Ute by Saic Motors, which is a Chinese automotive company. The LDV T60 has been on the market since 2016 and is still currently being produced.

This midsized pickup truck is commonly praised for having a lot of features and specs for the price, starting at under 40k AUD. for a ute of this price point, it’s easy to see why the LDV T60 can be a tempting purchase.

However, there are a few issues that come with this vehicle and in this article, I will share the common problems with this pickup based on my experience as a mechanic and also on research of what other owners experience, read on.

LDV T60 Problems

Rust Issues:

One of the most common issues with the LDV T60 is rust, especially on the body and underneath.

The steel used to make this vehicle is very thin in some places, which means that it doesn’t take long for rust to start forming.

This can cause holes in the bottom of your ute and these holes will allow water to leak into your car. This happens over time as the truck is exposed to the elements and different Conditions.

Reverse Camera Malfunction:

A reverse Camera with a 360-degree surround view is one of the top features of this truck but unfortunately, many T60 owners have found that the reverse camera isn’t working properly.

The camera malfunctions at times causing it not to engage when you put the car on reverse, which can be dangerous as you won’t be able to see what is behind your car.

Although the issue usually, sorts itself out when you switch off the car and then switch it back on again, it is still a concern for many T60 owners.

Cruise Control Issues:

Many T60 owners have found that their cruise control is not working properly; it either won’t engage or will disengage while driving.

This can be frustrating when driving long distances, especially if you are in a heavy traffic situation and need to keep your speed constant.

There have also been complaints that the cruise control will disengage without warning while on the highway or when driving at high speeds.

Related: Holden Colorado Problems

Interior material quality (Plastic Material):

Although this is definitely subjective, some people don’t see it as a problem, there is a noticeable quality difference between the interior of the T60 versus its competition.

The plastic is not as high quality or durable as other vehicles, and although the leather seats are nice and comfy the overall quality of the interior is a bit lackluster.

The fit and finish are not as good as some other vehicles in their class and there are also complaints about squeaks and rattles.

I should put an emphasis on the fact that overall the interior is well laid out and feels modern but the plastic is not as nice as it could be and there are some obvious cost-cutting measures that I think could have been avoided.

Automatic Transmission Jerky at times:

The transmission is not as smooth as some other vehicles in its class and there are complaints about it being jerky at times, especially when driving in town.

I believe the Auto Trans could use some refining and that’s something I would expect to see addressed in future models.

Rain Sensors:

The rain sensors are not as effective as they could be, there are complaints about the system not detecting rain even when it is pouring down.

This can be an issue for drivers who rely on the sensor to automatically activate their windshield wipers, this happens sometimes but is something you should be wary of, obviously not a deal breaker but a common issue on these 4X4

Engine Lag:

After doing some digging I also found that the engine does seem to have a lag from time to time, especially in the city where there is a lot of stop-and-go driving.

This means you need to put the pedal down a little earlier and harder than you would on other vehicles. This is not a problem for most people, but it can be a little annoying if you are used to driving something else.

My Personal Thoughts on the LDV T60

Being a mechanic means I get to see a lot of vehicles and understand the ins and outs of the industry.

I have seen a lot of these LDV T60s around and I have to say that they are pretty good vehicles overall for the price point you should expect some issues but if you maintain it properly and attend to any issues before they get too bad then you will have a good car.

The LDV T60 is a great vehicle for someone who wants something that’s cheap to run and easy to maintain bt would also advise having another vehicle as a backup in case anything were to go wrong with your LDV T60.

Other Things I like about LDV T60:

  • Price Point
  • Offroad Capability
  • Powerful Diesel Biturbo engine
  • 5-Year Warranty
  • Apple Car Play Compatibility
  • Standard Four-Wheel Drive
  • 360 Surround-view Camera

17 thoughts on “LDV T60 Problems [The Common Issues Explained]”

  1. I have all the issues you mentioned
    But the most annoying is the issue
    With the jerking after stopping when releasing the brakes I get
    The jerking I have taken to dealer
    They kept car for 5 days still have
    The issue don’t know what to do

  2. Robert Alan Lane

    My LDV b60 ute suffers from Change down Shuddering 3rd down to 1st shudders on change terrible annoying ,called LDV 6 weeks before they can see it ,otherwise OK & qualify’s the old saying you only get what you pay for …

  3. Biggest issue we have with our LDV T60 is the paint has turned to powder and it is riddled with rust. LDV Australia is refusing to paint the car stating (We never looked after it) This is at just over a year of owning it. All the plastic bumper parts paint is fine but thats an indication of being prepped and painted properly. We are off to court soon to have LDV held to account for their poorly made car and to have the issues fiex.

    1. Have you heard of Timothy Rigby? Maybe try and contact him, as he had the same issue and won the court case. Just google LDV and Timothy Rigby.
      Good luck

  4. I have a T60 single cab manual and it is jumping out of 6th gear, anyone else out there got the same thing happening and on top of that it’s just run out of warranty!!

  5. I have had the motor replaced, 68000km,( under warranty) $37000 for the motor to be installed and over $3000 in rental costs. All it was around $41000.
    I had to pay for some servicing fees (over $600) And have to take it in for the (5000km new motor service) and it its due for its 75000km service, which ldv Coffs harbour said will cost $1200 just for the 75000km service.
    Service prices have gone through the roof. And I do not feel confident driving this ute to work, which is why we all purchase new cars.

    1. Scott Van Elswyk

      My Ldv t60 is at 12000 klm and getting new motor as we speak, belt tensioner was replaced they didn’t tighten bolts, one flew into fan and radiator so replaced them then while they test drove it valve’s started knocking, fully regret buying the Ute now. Should have paid the extra for something better

  6. Half way around Australia the EGR valve is bad itself . Causing the Dpf to block up , lucky we met a Brilliant mechanicwho diagnosed the issue. Now just Waiting for the dealership to repair ?

  7. ## Comment SPAM Protection: Shield Security marked this comment as “Pending Moderation”. Reason: Human SPAM filter found “nufactur” in “comment_content” ##
    After reading all the issues, I believe the LDV manufacturers will improve in its future productions.
    Unfortunately most new models come with various issues and teething problems. However it is only fair that the dealership should take up the responsibility of amending and fixing the problems as they become apparent, or else potential customers will simply move away to other proven brands and models.

  8. ROERT Alan LANE

    Apart from shuddering during downchange from 3rd to 1st , it now stays in first or 2nd till you hit the plus paddle once a week ,so it looks like I have copped a Lemon gearbox 🙁

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